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Backache is to be blamed on our psyche

Did you know that up to 80% of chronic back pain is of psychological origin? You see, the body is a smart system that sends warning messages through pain. The body and psyche are more connected than it might seem.

Stress causes muscle tension which is sometimes helpful. However, in the long run, it leads to “fatigue pain” and a change in the body structure. The solution is a change in lifestyle, approach to life, movement and rehabilitation.


A field that deals with the problems of the soul and body. To solve the problem – in this case back pain – it is necessary to examine the overall life situation. Only then will you find the right medicine.

Be cool

Our lives are significantly affected by stress. First, we need to realize that stress is the cause of our problem and then we need to change the overall lifestyle. It is not enough to rest and slow down for a few days. It simply is not that easy.

Prevention is the key

And the basis is movement. Move regularly. All you need is a short walk, stretching your arms and legs. When you sit for a long time at work, take regular breaks. Walk a little, change your sitting position. To be stiff is not natural for us and the body resists it. Moreover, during movement, our body releases endorphins which improve mood and relieve stress.

Go see a physiotherapist

Mechanical causes of your pain must be ruled out. The physiotherapist will advise you on how to exercise and what to avoid. Under their guidance, you will try the exercises and learn to perform them correctly.

They may also recommend the McKenzie rehabilitation method that can, using a movement examination and a careful medical history, determine the direction of movement or the position that can remove mechanical pain.

The road ahead is long...

As mentioned above, it is not enough to rest for a few days. The whole lifestyle needs to change. The back muscles tend to be very weak because they are usually not exercised regularly. When you see a doctor, you will receive a series of exercises that you will perform regularly to strengthen your corset muscles.

But during this time, your back may still hurt. How to make it better?

The cornerstone of the treatment is to unblock the painful contraction of the back muscles. This can be done using traction or medication. Most often, doctors prescribe muscle relaxants that release skeletal muscle tension. However, various ointments, gels and pain patches can also relieve your pain.

You can also try herbs – preferably  common comfrey (Symphytum officinale) and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). They can relieve your pain.

Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

or conker tree. In traditional medicine, it is used in rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. It is also suitable for the treatment of venous clots or varicose veins.

Common comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

It contains mainly tannins, mucilages, essential oils and alkaloids. It is mainly used as an ointment or for compresses – for fractures, for inflammation of the veins, for bruises.


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