Certificate of emission savings Due to us was reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 43.27 tons, which represents a saving of energy of 1 035,69 GJ.
26. october 2020 About Anurex ANUREX® is a cryotherapy device (cylindrical applicator), made out of medically approved plastic in a size of a small finger. Anurex uses modern t... Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2020-10-26 23:26:21 2020-10-26 23:26:21
31. march 2016 Coconut oil with Cannabis Coconut oil with Cannabis Try our new Coconut oil with Cannabis. Very effective care about dry and sensitive skin. Buy now! Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2016-03-31 12:54:03 2018-03-28 15:49:02
08. march 2016 DiaMedica product line DiaMedica product line Specializes on food supplements for diabetics and includes top quality products carefully selected by the experts based on t... Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2016-03-08 15:28:10 2018-03-28 15:49:02
12. may 2015 B17 Preventum B17 Preventum PREVENTUM B17 is a food supplement with guaranteed content of 100 mg vitamin B17 (amygdalin) in three capsules. It is known that vita... Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2015-05-12 11:46:17 2018-03-28 15:49:03
08. august 2014 Horse balsam Sport Do you like sports? Try our new Horse Balsam – Sport that is intended for all physically active individuals of all age categories. Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2014-08-08 09:32:13 2018-03-28 15:49:04
30. june 2014 Cinnamon balsam Do you suffer from cellulite? Try our new Cinnamon balsam. Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2014-06-30 06:55:09 2018-03-28 15:49:04
13. june 2014 Vilnius Challenge 2014 Vilnius Challenge 2014 With the support of our important partner in Lithuania, the prestigious race 2014 Challange Adventure Race took place ... Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2014-06-13 06:08:50 2018-03-28 15:49:05
12. may 2014 Herbamedicus v médiích Vážení příznivci společnosti Herbamedicus. Dovolujeme si Vás tímto informovat o vytvoření nové záložky našeho webu s názvem AKTUALITY. Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2014-05-12 12:47:04 2018-03-28 15:49:05
18. march 2014 World of Beauty and Spa 2014 World of Beauty and Spa 2014 Due to massage school REFIT we could attend the exhibition World of Beauty and Spa 2014 which was held in Prague ... Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2014-03-18 10:13:59 2018-03-28 15:49:06
06. february 2014 The 2013 LEADER IN CONSUMER QUALITY The 2013 LEADER IN CONSUMER QUALITY We are happy to inform you that Herbamedicus Polska earned the 2013 LEADER IN CONSUMER QUALITY certificate in t... Swissmedicus Swissmedicus https://www.swissmedicus.lv/images/logo_small.png 2014-02-06 14:35:17 2018-03-28 15:49:06